400 firearms and ammo - all start at $20 without reserve.
50 lots
Interarms Mark X, .300 Win. mag. bolt action rifle, 24" barrel, Black synthetic stock

Lot 251
Interarms Mark X, .300 Win. mag. bolt action rifle, 24" barrel, Black synthetic stock
Remington Model 721, .270 cal. bolt action rifle, 22" barrel, Weaver 3x scope, 40 brass

Lot 252
Remington Model 721, .270 cal. bolt action rifle, 22" barrel, Weaver 3x scope, 40 brass
Custom Mauser, .25-06 cal. bolt action rifle, 24" heavy octagon barrel, Thumbhole stock, Redfield 3x-9x scope

Lot 253
Custom Mauser, .25-06 cal. bolt action rifle, 24" heavy octagon barrel, Thumbhole stock, Redfield 3x-9x scope
Heckler & Koch Model 416, .22 cal. semi-auto pistol, 9" barrel, Grip, Red Dot, Manual

Lot 254
Heckler & Koch Model 416, .22 cal. semi-auto pistol, 9" barrel, Grip, Red Dot, Manual
Sig-Sauer 1911 Model 5.11, .45 cal. automatic pistol, 4.2” barrel

Lot 255
Sig-Sauer 1911 Model 5.11, .45 cal. automatic pistol, 4.2” barrel
Taurus Circuit Judge, .45 LC/.410 cal. carbine revolver, Stainless, 18 1/2” barrel, Brazil
Lot 256
Taurus Circuit Judge, .45 LC/.410 cal. carbine revolver, Stainless, 18 1/2” barrel, Brazil
Interarms Model 92, .45 LC cal. lever action carbine, 20” round barrel, Brazil
Lot 257
Interarms Model 92, .45 LC cal. lever action carbine, 20” round barrel, Brazil
Remington Model 550-1, .22 cal. auto-loading rifle, 24” barrel, 1932
Lot 258
Remington Model 550-1, .22 cal. auto-loading rifle, 24” barrel, 1932
Mossberg Model 44US, .22 cal. bolt action target rifle, 26” barrel, "U.S. Property" marked, W.W. II

Lot 259
Mossberg Model 44US, .22 cal. bolt action target rifle, 26” barrel, "U.S. Property" marked, W.W. II
Stevens Model 44, .22 cal. single shot rifle, 24” half-round/half-octagon barrel
Lot 260
Stevens Model 44, .22 cal. single shot rifle, 24” half-round/half-octagon barrel
Deutschland .410 cal. single shot shotgun, 28” ½ octagon barrel, Germany

Lot 261
Deutschland .410 cal. single shot shotgun, 28” ½ octagon barrel, Germany
Colt SAA, .32-20 cal. revolver, 4 3/4" barrel, First Generation, Parts, 1907

Lot 262
Colt SAA, .32-20 cal. revolver, 4 3/4" barrel, First Generation, Parts, 1907
Davis DL-89, 9mm cal. derringer, 3 1/2" vent rib barrels, Chrome

Lot 263
Davis DL-89, 9mm cal. derringer, 3 1/2" vent rib barrels, Chrome
Winchester Super-X 1, 12 ga. auto shotgun, 28" vent rib barrel, Parts

Lot 264
Winchester Super-X 1, 12 ga. auto shotgun, 28" vent rib barrel, Parts
Nazi Parade Dagger, 10" blade, Cream colored Grip, Scabbard, Tassel, W.W. II

Lot 266
Nazi Parade Dagger, 10" blade, Cream colored Grip, Scabbard, Tassel, W.W. II
Nazi Youth Knife and Nazi Belt Buckle, W.W. II

Lot 268
Nazi Youth Knife and Nazi Belt Buckle, W.W. II
Nazi Dress Sword, 32" blade, Scabbard, Eickhorn, W.W. II

Lot 269
Nazi Dress Sword, 32" blade, Scabbard, Eickhorn, W.W. II
Marlin Glenfield Model 60, .22 cal. auto-loading rifle, 22” barrel

Lot 271
Marlin Glenfield Model 60, .22 cal. auto-loading rifle, 22” barrel
Mauser Model 98, 8mm cal. sporterized bolt action rifle, 23” barrel, 1941, Germany

Lot 272
Mauser Model 98, 8mm cal. sporterized bolt action rifle, 23” barrel, 1941, Germany
John Wayne Commemorative Ammo - .44-40 & .45 LC, Two Boxes, 2007

Lot 273
John Wayne Commemorative Ammo - .44-40 & .45 LC, Two Boxes, 2007
Heritage Hawken, .50 cal. muzzle loading rifle, 28” octagon barrel, Spain, Black Powder
Lot 275
Heritage Hawken, .50 cal. muzzle loading rifle, 28” octagon barrel, Spain, Black Powder
Three Boxes of Winchester "Wells Fargo" Commemorative Ammo, 1977

Lot 276
Three Boxes of Winchester "Wells Fargo" Commemorative Ammo, 1977
Springfield Model 67, 12 ga. slide action shotgun, 28” plain barrel
Lot 277
Springfield Model 67, 12 ga. slide action shotgun, 28” plain barrel
20-rds. - One box .450 Marlin ammunition, Hornady

Lot 278
20-rds. - One box .450 Marlin ammunition, Hornady
9.3x74R - 300 bullets, 60 primed cases, 40 brass, RCBS dies

Lot 279
9.3x74R - 300 bullets, 60 primed cases, 40 brass, RCBS dies
Five 20-rd. new magazines for FNAR .308, Boxes

Lot 280
Five 20-rd. new magazines for FNAR .308, Boxes
Marlin Glenfield Model 30A, .30-30 cal. lever action carbine, 20” barrel

Lot 281
Marlin Glenfield Model 30A, .30-30 cal. lever action carbine, 20” barrel
Smith & Wesson Model 10, .38 Special cal. revolver, 4" barrel, Burned

Lot 282
Smith & Wesson Model 10, .38 Special cal. revolver, 4" barrel, Burned
Smith & Wesson "Victory", .38 Special cal. revolver, 5" barrel, Burned

Lot 283
Smith & Wesson "Victory", .38 Special cal. revolver, 5" barrel, Burned
Walther P-38 "ac43", 9mm auto military pistol, 5" barrel, Nazi, W.W. II, Burned

Lot 284
Walther P-38 "ac43", 9mm auto military pistol, 5" barrel, Nazi, W.W. II, Burned
EIG – Eibar, .410 ga. single shot shotgun, 26” barrel, Spain

Lot 285
EIG – Eibar, .410 ga. single shot shotgun, 26” barrel, Spain
Nazi Navy Dress Dagger, 10" engraved blade, Brass, W.W. II

Lot 286
Nazi Navy Dress Dagger, 10" engraved blade, Brass, W.W. II