Timed Auction
Gunrunner Auctions, Sept. 2108, 1-50
Colt Single Action Army, .44-40 cal. single action revolver. Serial #SA73560, mfg. 1988. Third Generation. New unfired condition. Very unusual SAA - special order - with 4 1/2” barrel (rare), mint bore, fixed sights, 100% blue. “BLACK POWDER” frame has 100% case coloring with old-style "bullseye" ejection rod finger piece and First Geneation type cylinder retaining screw. Cylinder is UNFLUTED with 99% blue with very slight index marks. Polished hammer. Special order Colt checkered walnut grips are 100%. Box label lists barrel length as 4”. A highly unusual Colt SA with several special order features – never seen one before! For the advanced Colt collector!