Timed Auction
Gunrunner Auction May 2019, 1-50
U.S. Colt Model 1911, .45 cal. auto military pistol. Serial #44465, mfg. 1913. Very good condition. Standard U.S. officer's issue during World War I. Colt blue finish is 80% with wear on grip straps - appears to be arsenal reblued. Barrel is Colt Type 2 with "H" at rear of barrel. "WGP" inspector's mark on left side of frame. Some freckling and peppery pit marks on frame and slide. Vivid markings on frame, but some fade on slide. Checkered Type 1 wood grips have some smoothness. Bore is excellent. "H" on top of frame, rear of barrel and rear of slide (see photo). Slide lock is Type A with milled cut. Mainspring housing pin, Type 2. Magazine release lock, Type C. Safety lock tab, Type A. Recoil spring plug, Type 3. Rear sight, round Type A. Two-tone correct magazine is correct for this serial number range, pinned with lanyard loop. Right of slide: "MODEL OF 1911 U.S. ARMY". 1911 patent date on left side of slide. "United States Property" marked. Lots of WWI history here! C&R OK. Gunrunner West item.