Lot 30
Saiga-Arsenal Model SGL21-71, 7.62x39mm semi-auto carbine, 16" barrel, Trijicon Red Dot, Magpul, Box
Lot Is Closed
Timed Auction
Gunrunner Auction May 2019, 1-50
Saiga-Arsenal Model SGL21-71, 7.62x39mm cal. semi-auto carbine. Serial #L09187697, mfg. Russian. Excellent condition. Lots of extras on this Arsenal marked black beauty: MagPul rear fixed stock, MagPul forearm, special safety lever, Hogue soft textured rubber pistol grip, extend bolt handle, Texas Weapons Systems upper with Pic rail and Trijicon Reflex Red Dot Scope with lens covers. Nice! 16" barrel with flash-hider has an excellent bore. Shot very little. Light and quick! One 5-rd. magazine included. Box and papers. These Arsenal marked AK's represent the best in engineering and shoot lights out! A beautiful specimen! HARD TO FIND ITEM. Gunrunner West item.