Timed Auction
Gunrunner Auction July 2019, 101-150
Ruger Super Blackhawk, .44 magnum cal. single action revolver. Serial #86-26891. New Model. Excellent condition. Very nice New Model with 4 5/8" barrel, excellent bore and two grips. Mounted grip is cream colored composite and excellent. Also included is the Ruger black monogrammed smooth walnut grips in excellent condition. Bluing is 98% with some frame edge wear. Non-fluted cylinder will take the heaviest of charges. Adjustable rear sights. High ramp front sight. Yellow factory box with correct end label, manual and paperwork. Nice one to pack into the "rough stuff" when you're not on the top of the food chain.... Grizzly attacks are up, up and they are so over-populated they are EVERYWHERE.... Tuck it and go and fear no evil.... Gunrunner West item.