Lot 7
Winchester Model 12 Pigeon Grade, 12 ga. slide action shotgun, 26” VR barrel, 1957
Lot Is Closed
Timed Auction
Gunrunner Auction August 2019, 1-50
Winchester Model 12 Pigeon Grade, 12 ga. slide action shotgun.   Serial #1618519, mfg. 1957.  Very good condition.  26” barrel has clean, shiny bore, twin beads, Simmons round post vent rib, 93% blue.  2 ¾” chamber, choked WS-1 (SKEET).  Receiver and trigger guard have 75% blue with edge and carry wear, few fine scratch marks.  Correct Pigeon Grade stamp on barrel extension and jeweled bolt.  Beautiful fancy walnut stock and target forearm have extensive, custom checkering, excellent finish.  Non-Winchester butt plate is easily fixed.  LOP is 14”.  Slide action works fine.  A clay bird high grade grinder supreme!  C&R OK.