Lot 83
Browning Twelvette Double Automatic, 12 ga. semi-auto shotgun, 27 ½” VR barrel, Belgium, 1960
Timed Auction
Gunrunner Auction November 2019, 51-100
Browning Twelvette Double Automatic, 12 ga. semi-auto shotgun, 27 ½” VR barrel.   Serial # A33527, mfg. Belgium, 1960.  Very good condition.  Nice blackie with gold. 27 ½” vent rib barrel has clean shiny bore, 96% blue with few tiny marks.  Black aluminum receiver and trigger guard have very good finish with slight edge wear and some nicks.  Forearm has very good finish and checkering with some heavy handling marks ahead of receiver.  Butt stock has very good finish and checkering with some light handling marks, Pachmayr recoil pad added.  LOP is 14 ¼”.  Unique short recoil action works fine.  These are wonderful pheasant and upland autoloaders!  C&R OK.