Lot 2
Ingram M10 Sub-Machinegun, .45 cal. full-auto pistol, 6", 2 mags, Barrel extension, Loader, Holster
Timed Auction
1-50 Nov Sale
Ingram M10 Sub-Machinegun, .45 cal. full-auto pistol. Serial #C420, mfg. by RPB Industries, Atlanta, Georgia. Excellent condition. Full-auto, so all NFA rules apply (see rules for buying below). Satin blue finish is 99% and very nice. 6" threaded barrel has an excellent bore. Fixed sights. Folding steel stock. Two 30-rd. magazines. Loader. Barrel extension included that threads onto muzzle. Cobray logo also on gun. Black leather belt holster with Cobray logo - excellent condition. These are fast shooting and FUN, FUN, FUN! This little beauty is mint and wonderful. We are a Class III dealer, so we can provide all of the paperwork for transfer if you qualify. READ CAREFULLY BEFORE BIDDING: Rules for purchase: 1. Clean record verified by ATF fingerprint card and background check with application. 2. Must be able to possess a full-auto in your area and the head law enforcement official must be willing to sign your application for transfer. 3. You will pay for the pistol right after the auction, but the paperwork will go into the ATF for processing and the gun will remain at our facility until transfer. 4. You will pay a $200 transfer fee for the tax stamp on the paperwork. Email for more information: scott@thegunrunner.com