Timed Auction
Gunrunner Auction March 2022, 101-150
Smith & Wesson Model 3 Schofield, .45 S&W cal. single action revolver. Serial #DBW1936. New unfired condition. 7” barrel has mint bore, fixed sights. Barrel has 100% polished blue finish with gold barrel inscription on either side. Frame has 100% blue finish with gold portraits of Daniel Wesson on left side and Horace Smith on right. Cylinder has 100% blue finish with fine scroll engraving and gold accents. Trigger guard, hammer and cylinder latch are case colored. Smooth walnut grips with inspector’s mark are 100%. Top break action. Nicely housed in S&W Performance Center wood display case with blue plush lining and gold Model 3 medallion. Includes S&W literature and article by S&W historian Roy Jinks. A beautiful re-issue of this famous cavalry revolver. For the S&W collector.