Timed Auction
November 2017 1-50
Perazzi Comp One 12 ga. over/under competition shotgun. Serial #34526, mfg. Italy. Excellent condition. 29 ¼” barrels have shiny bores, 97% blue with wide stepped rib. 2 ¾” chambers, stamped MOD & FULL. Receiver has near 100% case coloring with logo “MAP” on bottom of action and inside of frame. Stock and forearm of gorgeous, highly figured walnut with high trap-style comb and extensive checkering has near 100% finish with few minor handling marks. LOP is 13 7/8”. Gun is fitted with 7ea. un-marked thin-wall choke tubes for: SKEET, SKEET, MOD, LT MOD, IMP MOD, FULL, FULL. In addition, gun is also fitted with interchangeable aluminum barrel inserts for 20, 28 & .410 gage, all numbered to the gun. Plastic hard case with extra choke tubes, gauge tubes and choke wrench. Gun locks up tightly and Perazzi detachable single non-selective trigger group with flat springs works perfectly. Ithaca import marked. An absolutely fabulous set for skeet, five stand and sporting clays!