Timed Auction
Nov. 2017 251-300
Remington Model 141 "Gamemaster", .35 Remington cal. slide action rifle. Serial #53130. Excellent condition! Here's a real screamer of the famous "Gamemaster" with 24" round barrel and Lyman rear peep sight - ready for deep timber deer and blacks. The Gold Standard for many years and will still deliver that 200 grain bullet with precision and speed! Excellent bore. Tight action. Bluing is 95% with the only wear on the pump parts. Some hunting marks on nicely figured walnut stock. Unique "twist" magazine that allowed for pointed cartridges to be loaded. Sling swivels. Rear sight is missing - dovetail is empty. Front ramp sight has a newer green fiber optic sight installed that will help in the early morning and dusk. A real beauty! C&R OK. Gunrunner West item.