Timed Auction
Gunrunner Auctions April 2018, 1-50
U.S. M1 Garand, .30-06 cal. auto military rifle. Serial #5854999, mfg. by Springfield Armory in 1955. Excellent condition. A beyond beautiful Springfield M1 with a "4-55" dated barrel with an excellent bore. M.E. measures under 1, and T.E. is just at 1. Wow! Pretty much new bore! Parkerization is 99% and nice. All SA parts. A superb condition walnut stock - the "Circle P" and the "Eagle" ordinance cartouch at the left of the stock are sharp and vivid. This is a beautiful example and appears to be original and in wonderful condition. You will have a hard time finding a nicer example. Perfect choice for the upcoming Camp Perry matches! C&R OK.