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32 lots
Gunrunner Auction March 2025, 551-582
32 lots
4h 39m 50s
Arabic Style, .50 cal. flintlock pistol, 12" barrel, Silver, Display
4h 39m 50s
Lot 551
Arabic Style, .50 cal. flintlock pistol, 12" barrel, Silver, Display
60 rds. of .25 Remington cal. ammunition, Remington Kleanbore, Vintage
4h 44m 50s
Lot 552
60 rds. of .25 Remington cal. ammunition, Remington Kleanbore, Vintage
60 rds. of .222 Remington Magnum cal. ammunition, Remington Hi-Speed, Vintage
4h 49m 50s
Lot 553
60 rds. of .222 Remington Magnum cal. ammunition, Remington Hi-Speed, Vintage
100 rds. of .225 Winchester cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X, Vintage
4h 54m 50s
Lot 554
100 rds. of .225 Winchester cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X, Vintage
870 rds. of various ammunition, .40 S&W, .30 Super Carry, .22 WMR, .22 LR, .30-30 Win, .32 acp.
4h 59m 50s
Lot 555
870 rds. of various ammunition, .40 S&W, .30 Super Carry, .22 WMR, .22 LR, .30-30 Win, .32 acp.
100 rds. of .30 Remington cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X, Vintage
5h 4m 50s
Lot 556
100 rds. of .30 Remington cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X, Vintage
65 rds. of .38-55 Winchester cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X, Remington Kleanbore
5h 9m 50s
Lot 557
65 rds. of .38-55 Winchester cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X, Remington Kleanbore
325 rds. of .38 Super Auto cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X
5h 14m 50s
Lot 558
325 rds. of .38 Super Auto cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X
325 rds. of .22 cal. ammunition, Remington 175th Anniversary Tin with box
5h 19m 50s
Lot 559
325 rds. of .22 cal. ammunition, Remington 175th Anniversary Tin with box
80 rds. of .300 Savage cal. ammunition, Remington Kleanbore, Vintage
5h 24m 50s
Lot 560
80 rds. of .300 Savage cal. ammunition, Remington Kleanbore, Vintage
99 rds. of .8x57 Mauser cal. ammunition, Winchester Super Speed, Vintage
5h 29m 50s
Lot 561
99 rds. of .8x57 Mauser cal. ammunition, Winchester Super Speed, Vintage
768 rds. of .30-06 cal. ammunition in bandoleers, USGI, Cans
5h 34m 50s
Lot 562
768 rds. of .30-06 cal. ammunition in bandoleers, USGI, Cans
40 rds. of .300 Weatherby Magnum cal. ammunition, Federal Premium
5h 39m 50s
Lot 563
40 rds. of .300 Weatherby Magnum cal. ammunition, Federal Premium
250 rds. of .32 H&R Magnum cal. ammunition, Federal H-Powerd
5h 44m 50s
Lot 564
250 rds. of .32 H&R Magnum cal. ammunition, Federal H-Powerd
99 rds. of 8mm Rem. Mag cal. ammunition, Remington
5h 49m 50s
Lot 565
99 rds. of 8mm Rem. Mag cal. ammunition, Remington
57 rds. of .270 Magnum. cal. ammunition, Weatherby
5h 54m 50s
Lot 566
57 rds. of .270 Magnum. cal. ammunition, Weatherby
Thompson ProHunter Encore .22-250 Rem. cal. fluted barrel
5h 59m 50s
Lot 567
Thompson ProHunter Encore .22-250 Rem. cal. fluted barrel
2 Scopes, Simmons Whitetail Classic 6.5-20x50mm, Leupold M8 6x
6h 4m 50s
Lot 568
2 Scopes, Simmons Whitetail Classic 6.5-20x50mm, Leupold M8 6x
1344 rds. of .30-06 cal. ammunition in bandoleers, USGI, Cans
6h 9m 50s
Lot 569
1344 rds. of .30-06 cal. ammunition in bandoleers, USGI, Cans
RCBS Rock Chucker Suprime Reloading Press, New Unopened
6h 34m 50s
Lot 574
RCBS Rock Chucker Suprime Reloading Press, New Unopened
150 rds. of 10 ga. ammunition, Western Super X, Federal, Winchester
6h 44m 50s
Lot 576
150 rds. of 10 ga. ammunition, Western Super X, Federal, Winchester
80 rds. of .375 H&H cal. ammunition, Remington, Vintage
6h 49m 50s
Lot 577
80 rds. of .375 H&H cal. ammunition, Remington, Vintage
100 rds. of 16 ga. ammunition, Winchester W Super-Speed, Western Super X, Vintage
6h 54m 50s
Lot 578
100 rds. of 16 ga. ammunition, Winchester W Super-Speed, Western Super X, Vintage
Dillon RL550B pistol/rifle reloading outfit with accessories
6h 59m 50s
Lot 579
Dillon RL550B pistol/rifle reloading outfit with accessories
200 rds. of .30 Carbine cal. ammunition, Winchester, PMC
7h 4m 50s
Lot 580
200 rds. of .30 Carbine cal. ammunition, Winchester, PMC
60 rds. of .300 Winchester. Mag cal. ammunition, Winchester Super-Speed
7h 9m 50s
Lot 581
60 rds. of .300 Winchester. Mag cal. ammunition, Winchester Super-Speed
100 rds. of .32 Remington cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X, Peters, Remington Kleanbore, Vintage
7h 14m 50s
Lot 582
100 rds. of .32 Remington cal. ammunition, Winchester Super X, Peters, Remington Kleanbore, Vintage