Timed Auction
Gunrunner Auction September 2020, 101-150
Starr Carbine, 1st Arkansas Regiment, .50 cal. percussion breech loader. Serial #12538, mfg. Yonkers, NY. Good condition. 21” barrel has very good bore with crisp rifling and some pitting. Barrel has little remaining outside finish with corrosion near muzzle. Correct sights. Frame and lock plate have turned patina with some corrosion. Lever and hammer show some corrosion, mostly patina. Excellent markings on lock plate and breech area. Breech area is stamped with correct three-line address for 1st Arkansas regiment, as described in Flayderman’s. Forearm has good finish, missing some wood on upper right side. Butt stock has large sliver missing on bottom ahead of butt plate. Correct brass butt plate and barrel band. Action and lock work fine. An excellent additional any Civil War collection! Antique, can ship to your door.