Timed Auction
Feb. 2018, 1-50
Winchester Model 12 Skeet, 20 ga. pump action shotgun. Serial #1170083, mfg. 1972. Very good condition. Interesting build-up of a Skeet Grade marked M12 with 26" barrel with Cutts Compensator and Simmons marked round post vent rib. Good bore. Tight action. Bluing is 90% and is perhaps a reblue. Marked "SKEET" on bottom of frame. Matching serials. Marked "WS-1" for choking on barrel. Checkered. Appears to have been cut-down at one time and is now built back up with a clear spacer and Pac recoil pad taking the LOP to 14". Pistol grip cap. Competition forearm. Ready to break rock! Gunrunner West item.